If a late-in-life diagnosis of ADHD has left you feeling - well, diagnosed and confused, then we have just the thing for you.
Working in collaboration with the wonderful coach Charlotte Forbes, we've created a four week group program in which you can make friends with your ADHD brain.
And also... make some new friends with ADHD!

An ADHD diagnosis comes with many things: Guilt, anger, worry, confusion, disbelief.
One thing it doesn’t come with, though, is a user guide.
A manual.
A set of instructions, written for the brain you actually have, and not the one you thought you had.
The brain that wants to run away at the merest suggestion it “should just be able to” and “had so much potential”.
The brain that was told to try harder, even though it was trying as hard as it possibly could.
The brain that wants to start tasks, but can’t (and can’t explain why).
Yes, understanding you have ADHD is one thing, but learning to live with it is quite another.
Enter: Charlotte and Suzy!
We’re two ADHD-coaches-turned-friends-with-ADHD, and we’ve come together to help you MAKE friends with your ADHD brain!
We’ve devised a four-week programme which is all about the acceptance stage of learning to live with ADHD:
Live learning sessions, focussed on helping you figure out life post-diagnosis; giving you the information and tools you need to get to understand and make friends with your brain.
Weekly live peer discussions, where you’ll see you’re not alone in how you experience the world.; Guided discussions where you can share experiences and reflect on course learnings with new friends with ADHD.
A geeky workbook to help you track your progress, creating your very own ‘user guide’ alongside us in a step-by-step process. All the info will be saved for you to back up your memory.
We hereby promise that we will always be:
HONEST - Suzy describes her own ADHD realisation as ‘the worst day of my life, and the best thing that ever happened to me…'
KIND - we’re united on most things, but particularly that nobody with ADHD has ever been magically cured by being awful to themselves.
INTERESTING - a bold claim(!) but hey, we’re ADHDers too. No death by powerpoint here.
What do the sessions cover, we hear you ask?
Well, if we may be so bold, everything you wanted to know about accepting your ADHD but didn’t know who to ask, that’s what!
Week 1: OMG it’s ADHD - unravelling the condition and redefining what is you.
Week 2: A whole NEW world… Why we’re having a different experience to others AND how we can rebuild our world in an ADHD-friendly way.
Week 3: Sorry not sorry - examining post-diagnosis shame, guilt, and gatekeeping
Week 4: Making friends with your ADHD - ideas for things you can change, accepting things you cannot and navigating the space inbetween. You'll also create your own user guide to your ADHD.
But team, how do I know if this programme is for me?
I mean, you’ve made it this far, so something must have got your interest!
This one might be for you if:
You’ve realised you have ADHD but don’t quite know what to do next.
You’re stuck, recognising yourself as different, but not able to find the ways that can be a positive force in your life.
You want change. Good change. You’re ready to get to grips with what this means.
You want to be around people whose brain works like yours.
You’re ready to see what life can be like if you work with your brain, rather than constantly fight against it.
You recognise the power of compassion, both for yourself and others like you.
You might be better at helping others than helping yourself…
What exactly is included in the price?
A pre-programme intro call, led by Charlotte and Suzy, to help you get to know them and each other a little better.
Four weekly online learning sessions, each with its own activity or exercise, helping you to work through the areas we’re learning about in real-time at a pace that activates your unique brain. Sessions run weekly from April 15th, Tuesday 6pm
Four weekly online discussion sessions, where we can reflect on what we’re learning, get support and encouragement from the whole group, and get ready for the next session. Sessions run weekly from April 15th, Friday 1pm - bring lunch!
A WhatsApp community group, moderated for the duration by Charlotte, Suzy, and Alice.
Speaking of price… what is it?
For its debut, this course is priced at a nice round £200.
For anyone who feels they need it, we also have a 25% off discount code 25OFF. It’s not limited to a specific number of uses, and if it helps you access the programme you’re very welcome to it.
How do I sign up?
It's nice and easy, just pop here and fill out the details.
If you'd prefer to pay in two instalments instead, we also have that option for you just here.
Anything else? Just get in touch with us here!