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How to embrace your ADHD strengths

Suzy Jackson

How to embrace your ADHD strengths 

Whether you’ve known about your ADHD for most of your life, received a diagnosis more recently, or you’re still going through that process… you’re here because you’re aware that your brain works a little differently from other peoples’.

Different is not less. 

Neurodivergence comes with strengths as well as challenges, both of which vary from person to person. The trouble is, the world is set up to work optimally for neurotypical brains, not technicolour brains like yours and mine. And this can make it tricky for your strengths to shine through.

If you’ve been through some or all of the diagnostic process for ADHD (or other neurodivergent conditions), you’ll know that it’s entirely focused on “deficits”. This emphasis on what we are considered “poor” at, and the things we “can't” do in the way that neurotypical people can, makes the whole diagnosis thing really hard. 

Add to that the fact you’ve been living in a world designed to work for neurotypical people might mean you’ve not discovered what all your strengths are yet! 

That’s something that ADHD Coaching can help with. Click here to find out more.

Show us your colours - all of them!

Suzy blurred in the background holding a bright text based print which reads 'always wear your brave pants'

Even if you’re pretty self-aware when it comes to your strengths, you may need some help to develop the confidence to use them. Building self-esteem is one of the most powerful aspects of ADHD Coaching, because it’s this that will enable you to embrace your differences and use your unique strengths to your advantage.

Perhaps you’ve had some tough experiences in life and at work, which have left you wondering whether you have any strengths at all. YOU DO. Have a read through the four main areas below to see whether anything feels familiar…

1. Creative Thinking

ADHD brains often excel in creative thinking. Because the world inside our heads is different, we see the outside world differently, too. You might have a knack for thinking outside the box, solving problems in unique ways, or coming up with innovative ideas. 

This creativity can be valuable in your personal life and in business, where it pays to come up with innovative solutions. Did you know that a significantly higher proportion of ADHDers become entrepreneurs compared with neurotypical people?

Embrace this strength>> Explore creative hobbies, contribute unique ideas in group settings, or come up with a new product or a unique business idea! Or, take a popular, existing business idea and execute it in a new and unique way!

2. Hyperfocus Some neurotypical people think of ADHDers as being unfocused and unable to concentrate. In fact, given an area we are interested in and passionate about, we can apply an immersive focus and intense concentration. When we're interested in something, our enthusiasm can drive us to achieve A LOT.

Embrace this strength>> If you can recognise your triggers for hyperfocus, you may be able to seize the hyperfocus when it strikes and use it to maximise your productivity on important tasks.

3. Hyperfocus on Relationships You might have a remarkable ability to connect with people when you're genuinely interested, and some ADHDers can be highly empathetic and sensitive to others' emotions.  For entrepreneurs, nurturing and leveraging this strength can enable you to build strong, lasting relationships that offer you support and opportunities. 

Embrace with strength >> Cultivate a network of friends, clients and professional connections who can get behind your project, your latest YouTube video, your TickTok account… whatever it is you’re passionate about, your network can be too!

4. Visual Thinking Do you think in images and visuals? Me too! The bright colours on this website, in my office and even in my hair are a way for me to make the world around me match the technicolour splendour of my inner world. This strength can be great for visualising problems in order to create solutions.

Harness this strength >> If you get excited about tasks that involve brainstorming, planning, or design, you might excel in art and graphic design and art. You be able to apply this talent to creating infographics, designing user journeys, or changing the way information is communicated - from words and numbers to charts, graphs and diagrams. The world needs people like you!

Understanding your unique brain allows you to develop strategies to overcome the challenges that come with ADHD and make the most of your talents.

Need help to identify your specific strengths and find ways to incorporate them into your daily life? ADHD Coaching can support you to embrace your technicolour brain, and let your strengths shine.

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